Tips for Teen Girls » Health
Tips » Women's Health
Daily calcium
To get the recommended 1,000-1,200 mg of calcium per
day, women should consume three servings of milk products
(1portion=1 cup/250 mL of milk, 6 oz/175 g of yogurt
or 1 oz/45 g of cheese). If you don’t like milk
products, you can replace each of the three portions
with a 300 mg calcium supplement and try other sources
of calcium.
Sleep stealers
Beware of factors that rob you of a good night’s
sleep: Arguments before bedtime, caffeine, sugar, vitamin
C and intense exercise .To relax, take a hot bath, drink
a cup of herbal tea or a glass of milk and read. A drop
of lavender or orange oil on your sheets can also help
bring sweet slumber.
Growing bones
Gardening is a great exercise for building bone density
because of all the bending and lifting. Taking care
of your flowers just once a week can reduce the risk
of osteoporosis.
Calcium intake and age
A woman in her 20s needs about 1,000 mg of calcium a
day. By her 30's a woman’s bones stop growing,
so it’s wise to build a reserve of bone and calcium
that’ll be needed in the future. Exercise can
help. Women in their 40's can start to lose bone density.
Dairy foods, leafy green vegetables, fish, and even
non-dairy products that are fortified with calcium help
to boost calcium-intake.
Cut the caffeine
Your chances of developing an irritated bladder can
double if you’re drinking more than four cups
of caffeinated coffee each day. Caffeine in tea, chocolate
and cola are also irritants.